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15 Responses

  1. tanzanitexd says:

    Hello, I’m Tanzanite from MangaDex. I would like to ask if you guys are still continuing this series? If not I would like to pick it up.

  2. Habuki says:

    Hi Tanzanite, we’re working on it. I’ve completely translated the first volume and the second is also half way done. I’m also not sure what keeps the others from publishing at least the first three chapters, they should be finished.

  3. TzMarko says:

    Yes it will continue only changes were made. But everything is already active. I’m very sorry for the delay.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Don’t support Nightow. They’re harassing Tanzanite for translating this manga after not receiving a reply for days (see

    To Nightow: Tanzanite waited a whole day before starting his translations; expecting him to wait 5 days is completely unreasonable. You’re being really petty about the whole thing, and your behavior on the linked reddit post reflects really poorly on you.

  5. Habuki says:

    Thanks for you comment, my anonymous friend (enshe51 it is, I guess). I did not “harass” Tanzanite, I merely informed him that this kind of egoistic behavior is killing translation groups, which shouldn’t be his goal, and your goal either, I guess. And for the second point, we are people who have real lives and do not have the time to tend to any comment any time. Some folks have to work to earn their living and can only tend to this at the weekens. Patience is a virtue, my friend, a virtue a lot of people seem to have lost with the invention of the internet.

  6. Zephiranum Draux says:

    If thats the case why not just give him the project then. Tanzanite is doing a goodjob and you guys suddenly cut him off.And if you are that busy why not just pick mangas that match your pace of releases.Tanzanite picked it up made it popular and you just stole it out of nowhere.

  7. Habuki says:

    “why not just give him the project then.” → Because we’re working on it. He’s free to pick up another project he likes, why did he have to take one that other people already work on?
    “Tanzanite is doing a goodjob” → Yes, but so do we.
    “and you guys suddenly cut him off” → Dead wrong, he cut us off. If it wasn’t for me, this Manga wouldn’t have gotten *any* translation (probably) for years. But thankfully at least Tanzanite understands.
    “And if you are that busy why not just pick mangas that match your pace of releases.” → This Manga perfectly matches our pace. But people always complain and want it faster. That said, the lack of speed is not due to my translation, if you want faster releases consider helping us out at editing/proofreading. Honestly, I can’t really understand why people want to compete instead to collaborate.
    “Tanzanite picked it up made it popular and you just stole it out of nowhere.” → Just no. Causality clearly proves you wrong.

    • As much as I found your behaviour on Reddit rather unsightly, I find it uncomfortable that nobody acknowledged that you had a number of completely reasonable points.

      For starters, this is an old manga, and absolutely nobody gave a shit about it for years. The fact that Tanzanite suddenly loved it a month after you began is rather suspicious. Especially suspicious is that despite the fact that this author has written other manga that haven’t been touched in over a year, he decided to pick the one that had released a chapter a month ago.
      Either he noticed its popularity and wanted to translate it for glory, or he only found out about the manga after coming across your scanlations. Regardless, he owes you a bit more courtesy these.

      Secondly, while in a professional environment a 24 hour response time is non-negotiable, even if the response is a “Hi, thanks for your message. I need to talk to my team but we’ll get back to you by the end of the week,” fan scanlation projects are slow moving.
      Responses within a team, let alone to a comment on a website you might not regularly frequent, can not be expected within a single day.
      The fact that he only waited a day before deciding you had dropped it absolutely illustrates that he had very little intention of waiting for a response, and everybody who said that giving you one day to respond before sniping your series was reasonable is, in my opinion, a totally self-serving cunt.

      So yeah. Just wanted to say that although the way you delivered your response was beyond pathetic, it really upset me that everybody ganged up on you without giving you a fair go, so I wanted to tell you that I understand where you’re coming from.

      • Habuki says:

        Nice to see that there’s at least one person in the internet with empathy.
        “although the way you delivered your response was beyond pathetic”. Yeah, pathetic is probably no wrong description, though I’m curious, how else should I’ve conveyed the message? Stupid as it sounds, but here were feelings involved. I blamed him for his actions, but wrote no insults.

  8. On a personal level though, I don’t see what the fuss is about.

    Azuma Tesshin is a sub-par erodoujinshi artist, and the story seems really generic.

  9. TzMarko says:

    Please, I like the manga that I started with the habuki from the beginning. I want to get the manga as fast as possible and with good quality. Instead of criticizing, they are free to help us. in the scans there is something called ethics. We are a group and we deserve respect.

    We need a proofreader

  10. Sebastián says:

    Hello, I’m Sebastián, from Yami Tenshi no Fansub. I would like to ask if you guys are translating this project into spanish or if you are interested in a joint whit us. We are looking for a new project and we are very interested in this manga.

  11. Zing says:

    Are you ever going to release the last two chapters?

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